PwC Research Institute (Japan) LLC was established on October 1, 2009 as a general research institute for financial and capital markets. Recently, the world is accelerating towards the "new normal" in the wake of an unprecedented financial crisis; however, our environment remains very complex.
The Institute aims to contribute to the growth of our clients and sustainable development of society through accumulation and utilization of knowledge leveraging on PricewaterhouseCoopers global network and creation of added value through dissemination of information.
In addition to our conventional role as a think tank to present PwC Japan Group’s opinions and proposals to the market in Japan and overseas, as a group of experts with intimate knowledge of financial practices in Japan, we will respond to a broad range of our clients’ needs by providing advice and support on comprehensive and strategic measures to be taken in preparation for new regulations as well as on sophisticated and complex risk management and governance frameworks.
Takeshi Yamaguchi, Chief Executive Officer
Toshinori Kurihara
JPY 10 million
Otemachi Park Building,
1-1-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004
Tel: 03-6212-6840 Fax: 03-6212-6841
Under accelerated globalization of the capital market and innovation in financial technology, market participants’ lack of self-discipline and financial regulations that tended to be reactive are said to have been factors that led to the global financial crisis. Currently, regulatory and supervisory authorities are not only enhancing the existing regulations and supervision, but incorporating macroprudence perspective into the financial system. They are also focusing on risk cultures of financial institutions and promoting communication with the management, which in turn expands the expected roles of the management. Under these circumstances, our basic policy is to provide custom-built solution corresponding to the situation and needs of individual clients, with sufficient understanding of the views and intentions of regulatory and supervisory authorities in Japan, as well as international standard setting bodies and regulatory and supervisory authorities of various countries.