About the PwC Japan Group
Information about the PwC Japan Group which consists of the Japanese member firms of the PwC global network and their subsidiaries
PricewaterhouseCoopers Japan LLC provides audit and assurance services as well as broader assurance services (non-audit services) in Japan and is a member firm of the PwC global network. We provide high-quality audit services that meet global standards and are built on the trusted audit approaches and cutting-edge technologies that we have developed throughout the long history of the PwC network. We also leverage this knowledge to advise our clients through broader assurance services in a variety of fields, including accounting, internal controls and governance as well as cybersecurity, regulatory requirements, digitalisation and initial public offerings. Together with PwC Business Assurance LLC, PwC Sustainability LLC, PwC Risk Advisory LLC and PwC Research Institute LLC, we aim as trusted professionals to instil a newfound confidence in Japan's future with our Assurance Vision 2030.
Masataka Kubota
June 1, 2006
July 1, 2006 (December 1, 2023: as PricewaterhouseCoopers Japan LLC)
JPY 1,000 million (as of December 1, 2023)
Main Office
Otemachi Park Building,
1-1-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004
Tel: 03-6212-6800 Fax: 03-6212-6801
Other Offices
Otemachi One Tower,
1-2-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004
Tamachi Station Tower S 13th Floor,
3-1-21 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0023, Japan
Tel:03-6400-5561 Fax:03-6400-5562
JR Central Towers 38th Floor,
1-1-4 Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi 450-6038
Tel: 052-588-3951 Fax: 052-588-3952
Kyoto Mitsui Building 7th Floor,
Shijo Karasuma, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 600-8008
Tel:075-241-1901 Fax:075-241-1902
Grand Front Osaka Tower A 36th Floor,
4-20 Ofukacho, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 530-0011
Tel: 06-6375-2610 Fax: 06-6375-2611
JRJP Hakata Building 4th Floor,
8-1 Hakataeki Chuogai, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi,
Fukuoka 812-0012
Tel: 092-477-7600 Fax: 092-477-7601
Partners 245
Audit and client service staff: 3,212
Other staff: 128
Total 3,585
(including 1,249 CPAs and 643 assistant CPAs and successful candidates)
(as of June 30, 2024)
Information about the PwC Japan Group which consists of the Japanese member firms of the PwC global network and their subsidiaries
Through Corporate Responsibility we're on a journey to make every decision, every day, count - towards a sustainable future.
Career information about job opportunities in the PwC Japan Group
PricewaterhouseCoopers Japan LLC publishes the Audit Quality Report to fulfil its accountability on its governance and the system of quality management to stakeholders.