Akemi Kito

Akemi Kito

Managing Director, PwC Tax Japan

Financial Services
CPA / Certified Public Tax Accountant


Akemi Kito specialises in tax consulting for financial institutions and real estate companies, and in the development of various financial products and investment funds including Japanese real estate investment trusts (REITs).

She is an active participant in tax policy discussions, attending workshops and committees sponsored by government agencies and industry associations.

Ms. Kito is a licensed Japanese certified public accountant and certified public tax accountant. She graduated from the Law Faculty of Kyoto University.

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Project results and achievements

Ms. Kito advises Japanese, US and European financial institutions on transactions, cross-border financing, global trading, investment structures and financial products. She also advises clients in the real estate industry on inbound and outbound investment structuring, both for private funds and for REITs.

Ms. Kito provides tax advisory services regarding Japanese tax reforms to government agencies and trade associations, including the Ministry of Finance, the Financial Services Agency, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and industry associations.

Other activities

Ms. Kito is the author of several books and articles in tax magazines. Some of her books include Tax Treatment of Investment Structures, Accounting and Tax Treatment of JREITs, Taxation on Trusts, and Tax Treatment of Cross-border Securitization.

Recent seminars and articles include “New earning stripping rule and the impact on Japan business”, “Setting up global fund and the analysis on Japan CFC taxation”, “Impact by Supreme Court Case on Delaware Limited Partnership”. She is also a frequent speaker on tax topics.

Professional vision

New business issues always have legal, accounting and tax implications. To support our clients’ businesses, Ms. Kito aims to address these issues with a view that includes not only tax but also a wide range of perspectives.