Takashi Murakami

Takashi Murakami

Partner, PwC Tax Japan

Corporate Tax Services, Indirect Tax Services
CPA / Certified Public Tax Accountant


Mr. Murakami has over 15 years of tax experience, and specializes in Japanese and international cross-border tax issues. From 2007 to 2010, he was seconded to the PwC Netherlands Amsterdam office where he worked with Japanese clients in The Netherlands. Prior to joining PwC Tax Japan, Mr. Murakami worked for a Japanese telecommunication carrier.

Mr. Murakami’s expertise includes M&A and investment structures. He works for clients in a wide range of industries including telecommunications, electric and heavy industries.

Mr. Murakami is a licensed Japanese certified public accountant and a licensed Japanese certified public tax consultant.

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Project Results and Achievements

  • Provided joint venture support, tax ruling support, tax due diligence and structuring advice for domestic integration of Japanese energy & manufacturing companies
  • Outbound investment support for Japanese manufacturing, trading, telecommunications, and IT companies
  • Cross-border business restructuring advice for Japanese companies
  • Assisted with outbound restructuring of Japanese headquarters 
  • Provided tax compliance services for major manufacturing and apparel companies (consolidated tax filing installation, document reviews, tax investigation support)

Other Activities

Author for Japan Tax Research Institute publications and “Keirijyouhou”- Chuoukeizaisha

Professional Vision

As a tax consultant, Mr. Murakami provides tax law guidance, but his mission and focus is getting to the core of the problem in order to help with a method and a solution to the issue.