Yoshiyasu Okada

Yoshiyasu Okada

Adviser, PwC Tax Japan


Mr.Okada joined the National Tax Agency (“NTA”) in 1971.  He served in various positions with the Japanese national tax administration for about 25 years, until resigning from the position of Deputy Commissioner (International) in July 2002.

During his two-year tenure as Deputy Commissioner (International), Mr. Okada played a leading role in internationalizing Japanese tax administration, and in enhancing cooperation between the NTA and other tax authorities around the world.  He accomplished this as a member of the Japanese Competent Authority responsible for all international tax matters at the NTA, by attending many international meetings, such as the OECD’s Committee on Fiscal Affairs (“CFA”), as the Japan representative, and by appearing as a speaker at international tax seminars and symposiums.

In addition to his role as Deputy Commissioner (International), Mr. Okada has held many other international tax related positions at the NTA. He was appointed Director of the Office of International Operations in 1996, for two years. During that period, he undertook certain OECD CFA activities, such as vice chair at Working Party Six, and played a significant role in advancing the OECD debate on transfer pricing issues. He was also appointed as Director of International Tax Examinations at the NTA in 1991.

Mr. Okada also worked for JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) as a researcher in San Francisco for three years, and in Tokyo as Director of the JETRO Accounting Department for two years.

Mr. Okada joined PwC Tax Japan as an advisor in 2002.
A graduate of Tokyo University, Mr. Okada holds a Bachelor of Laws.

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