• 2024-02-08

Space is changing. The vast emptiness around our planet has become a new frontier of commercialization as private companies join the public sector in setting up shop in space. Propelled by better technology and dramatically lower costs of placing spacecraft in orbit, private-sector funding of space-related companies exceeded US$10 billion in 2021, and some analysts predict the space economy will be worth more than US$1 trillion by 2040.

However, the lack of clear rules and business models for companies eager to join the great space race is a problem. Professional services firm PwC Consulting LLC, part of the PwC global network in Japan, is now working with the private sector, public sector and academia to support businesses looking to reach for the stars.


“In Japan, there’s a trend for large, non-space companies in various industries to enter the space business, but they lack knowledge and experience. We try to create or support synergies with their existing business to sustain their medium- and long-term visions,” says Enomoto. 

“We also work with public agencies to lobby for rulemaking and regulation, while collaborating with academic institutions to promote space business through industry-government-academia partnerships,” he adds.

Japanese companies can leverage their expertise in manufacturing and telecommunications in the midstream and downstream space areas, says Enomoto. He cites a startup that plans to clean up space debris, as well as a telecommunication company that plans to establish a space data centre, which would accelerate satellite data by employing computing in orbit. The possibilities, says Scatteia, are limitless.

“The exploitation of space data offers a lot of potential, and people shouldn’t be driven away by the sector’s complexity,” says Scatteia. “You just need to understand what space can do for you. Businesses need to view space as a strong enabler of basically anything else on market.”

上記の内容は、国際的な総合科学雑誌Nature(※)に2023年10月19日付けで掲載された記事広告「The growing space economy reaching for the stars」の記事本文を、弊社の判断にて転載、レイアウトし作成したものです。掲載内容については、Nature誌の出版元であるSpringer Natureは免責されています。