Comprehensive AI governance needed now


AI governance must be holistic, open, proportional and end-to-end.

If you are working to adopt AI in your operations or in new products or services, this article is for you.

We all know that AI can generate tremendous benefits, including enabling MI reporting self-service, transforming back-office operations, automating supply chain decisions, or creating entirely new products and services. But adopting any new technology like AI requires careful attention about how AI-powered applications are developed, as a malfunction or failure can have major impact on customers, employees, managers, shareholders, and society.

In this article, we suggest how to think about and design AI governance to minimize risks and build trust in AI-powered applications. We describe in one example how to apply our AI governance framework.

The article was co-authored by PwC AI specialists in Japan, the UK and the US, and by Eurasia Group geo-technology specialists.


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