PwC Japan Group
November 10, 2022
The PwC Japan Group (Chair: Koichiro Kimura), together with business leaders of Japanese corporations engaged in sustainability management, has launched the Executive Sustainability Forum (hereinafter, the Forum), which will hold its first meeting on Thursday, 24 November. Through this Forum, the PwC Japan Group will meet with business leaders from participating corporations to discuss sustainable growth in Japan and the rest of Asia. The aim is to convey to the world proposals and other ideas resulting from the discussions, including in presentations at international conferences.
Climate change and similar threats to the global environment are becoming more serious year by year, and international society is calling on corporations to take strong action in response to these threats and make their businesses sustainable, while national governments and other authorities continue to draw up various regulations and voluntary rules. These regulations and rules, however, have been formulated mainly in Europe; and since they cannot be said to adequately reflect issues particular to Japan and the rest of Asia, there are concerns about their future impact on the competitiveness of corporations in this part of the world. The PwC Japan Group believes that engaging in constructive discussions about how to make business sustainable, taking into account regional factors and making proposals to international society are essential for attaining sustainable growth.
Amidst these circumstances, the PwC Japan Group, together with business leaders actively engaged in sustainability management, has launched the Executive Sustainability Forum as one of the few current examples in Japan of private companies taking the initiative in creating venues for the exchange of views by business leaders. The Forum will conduct fact-finding surveys on sustainability trends in Japan and the rest of Asia, including among local companies, start-ups and others, and on this basis will carry on discussions at regular intervals with business leaders on how to make business sustainable, then issue proposals and related information to the public.
The topic of discussion at the first meeting will be the role and mission of Japanese corporations toward decarbonisation in Asia.
Ajinomoto Co., Inc. Member of the Board, Representative Executive Officer, President & CEO |
Taro Fujie |
Japan Bank for International Cooperation Governor |
Nobumitsu Hayashi |
Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Inc. President and Representative Director |
Seiji Inagaki |
Development Bank of Japan Inc. Chairman |
Yasushi Kinoshita |
Nomura Holdings, Inc. Representative Executive Officer, President and Group CEO |
Kentaro Okuda |
Fujitsu Limited Representative Director, President, CEO, and Chief DX Officer |
Takahito Tokita |
Honda Motor Co., Ltd. Director, President and Representative Executive Officer, CEO |
Toshihiro Mibe |
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings, Inc. Director, President Executive Officer |
Toru Takakura |
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. President & CEO |
Seiji Izumisawa |
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Member of the Board of Directors, Chairman |
Kanetsugu Mike |
PwC Japan Group Group Representative |
Koichiro Kimura |
*In Japanese syllabary order by company name
The Ajinomoto Group, in the purpose of ‘Unlocking the power of amino acids to resolve the food and health issues’, aims to contribute to health and happiness by both ‘extending the healthy life expectancy of 1 billion people’ and ‘reducing our environmental impact by 50%’. To these ends, a resilient and sustainable food system must be built in the coming years, and a favourable ecosystem made up of various players from corporations, organisations, governments and other concerned parties who share a common purpose will be important in order to achieve this. For our part, we are passionate about what this kind of undertaking means for our brand value, and would like use this Forum to study how to speed up both the solving of social issues and the creation of economic value in Asia.
Taro Fujie, President & CEO, Ajinomoto Co., Inc.
In this age of increasing uncertainty and complexity due to various factors from the COVID-19 pandemic to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I believe the key to maintaining the driving force of nations and corporations is the pursuit of sustainability, including the SDGs and decarbonisation. To support the overseas business of Japanese companies who contribute toward the realization of global sustainability, we are proactively promoting green finance, transition finance and social impact finance. Through the discussions in this Forum, together with business leaders, we would like to think about Japan’s role in realising sustainable development for the global economy and society.
Nobumitsu Hayashi, Governor, Japan Bank for International Cooperation
Given the urgency of decarbonisation and other steps toward realising a sustainable society, private companies are faced with even greater demands to show they are serious about these issues. I believe that shared trust and empathy among various stakeholders, as well as collaboration, can create new value that contributes to the resolution of issues. With this in mind, I would like to thank the PwC Japan Group for coming up with the idea of this Forum. Speaking from our standpoint as a universal owner managing the insurance premiums received from our customers, and based on the experience we have gained from participation in GFANZ* and other international forums, we intend to actively express our views, and while carrying on discussions with the other member companies, fulfil our responsibility leading to the sustainability of the global environment and society.
Seiji Inagaki, President, Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Inc.
We recognise the importance of discussing the best way forward, while re-examining whether Japan’s financial services industry has provided sufficient funds in Asia for the innovation needed to achieve decarbonisation and taking overall stock of the state of progress. Through broad exchanges of views with top management of business companies, Development Bank of Japan would like to get a proper handle on the diverse funding needs that are out there, and in collaboration with other financial players, actively supply risk money.
Yasushi Kinoshita, Chairman, Development Bank of Japan Inc.
Nomura’s Investment Banking within Wholesale Division emphasizes sustainability businesses and provides M&A advisory and financing services through a newly established global specialised team, called ”Greentech Industrials & Infrastructure”. These services are being offered in the Americas, Europe, and Asia, including Japan. Asia is a region most in need of investment to become carbon neutral. We think leveraging Japan’s green technology and investment capital, as well as expertise in transition finance, will support carbon neutrality in Asia and help boost the presence of Japan.
Kentaro Okuda, Representative Executive Officer, President and Group CEO, Nomura Holdings, Inc.
In solving the environmental and biodiversity crisis that is becoming increasingly severe on a global scale, I believe an effective response can be made by aligning that response with the business strategies of corporations that have a major impact, both positive and negative. Technology has great potential, such as ensuring the visibility and traceability of supply chains across corporations and borders, or radically improving productivity in the search for materials or in the verification of alternative energy availability. This can only be done, however, through cross-industry initiatives. Making full use of the Forum discussions, we hope to contribute toward ensuring Japan’s advantage in majority formation.
Takahito Tokita, CEO, Fujitsu Limited
In Asia, we are called on to achieve economic growth while reducing our environmental impact. Honda aims to contribute to the environment by realising a circular economy with various kinds of mobility, such as electrification of motorcycle and India’s rickshaws. At the same time, decarbonisation of supplied electric power as social infrastructure has become an issue. My hope is that, in addition to the individual initiatives of each company, this Forum will give rise to discussions and initiatives with various partner companies, leading to the achievement of major social changes in Asia.
Toshihiro Mibe, President, Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
It is globally recognised that achieving a decarbonised society will require enormous investment capital for transitioning energy sources and social infrastructure. The key is for financial institutions themselves to provide risk money, depending on the market development stage, and to promote the flow of investor funds by demonstrating their business assessment and risk-taking capabilities. In doing so, it is also crucial that they actively invest in human capital in the form of specialists in various value creation fields, including cutting-edge technology, and to further polish their business assessment capability and the ability to develop investment products matched to society’s needs. We would like to carry on deep discussions with each of the members of this forum on how, by drawing on these capabilities, market creation that encourages a virtuous cycle of funds, assets and capital can be spread from Japan to the rest of Asia.
Toru Takakura, President, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings, Inc.
With its remarkable economic growth, Asia will continue to need more energy that is both economically and environmentally sound. This makes it all the more important to invest based on a careful examination of promising technologies and collaborative arrangements for achieving both decarbonisation and economic growth. Promising technologies include CCUS (carbon dioxide capture, utilization and storage) and fuel conversions, such as ammonia co-firing, but I hope we will be able to discuss the creation of mechanisms for further innovation and real-world implementation in the lead-up to the Energy Transition, as well as the future prospects for spreading these mechanisms to other regions.
Seiji Izumisawa, President & CEO, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
The ongoing trend toward decarbonization is expected to result in major changes in global industrial structure which, in turn, will position MUFG and its customers to address risks affecting their business continuity as well as seize opportunities for growth. Aiming to realize smooth transition to a decarbonized society and creating a sustainable society by fostering a virtuous cycle between the environment and economy, MUFG will continue to contribute to decarbonization initiatives globally through engaging with clients, supporting technological advances that promote decarbonization, establishing rules, commercialization, market creation, and many other such measures.
Kanetsugu Mike, Chairman, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group
Companies are expected to achieve consistent, sustained growth in an uncertain business climate that is constantly changing. I believe Japan, by taking advantage of the pioneering technologies that are its strength and creating impact in collaboration with stakeholders, can create economic value while solving problems for the environment and society, and furthermore can contribute to the world. Together with business leaders, we would like to discuss, starting from a vision for the future, the kind of cooperation that should be undertaken now in Asia, and Japan’s leadership role.
Koichiro Kimura, Group Representative, PwC Japan Group
*Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero, an initiative across financial sectors for promoting net zero.
The Forum will be a venue for ongoing studies of how to eliminate the trade-offs between growth and sustainability in Asia, achieving both, and of the kind of growth to be pursued in a new era. The topics to be examined include, forging alliances with various companies in Asia, from major corporations to start-ups, as specific ways for Japanese corporations to take the leadership in market creation. The discussions and proposals by participating business leaders will further be communicated actively to the world, including through presentations at international conferences.
At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 152 countries with nearly 328,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. For details, see www.pwc.com.
The PwC Japan Group is a collective name for the member firms of the PwC global network in Japan and their affiliates. Each firm within the PwC Japan Group conducts its business as a separate, independent business entity.
In response to our clients’ increasingly complex and diverse corporate management issues, the PwC Japan Group has put in place a system that consolidates our knowledge in the fields of auditing and assurance, consulting, deal advisory, tax and legal services, and encourages organic collaboration among our professionals in each field. As a professional services network with approximately 10,200 certified public accountants, tax accountants, lawyers and other professional staff, we strive to provide services that more accurately address our clients’ needs.