PwC Consulting LLC has acquired the business of Your Partner Co., Ltd.

About PwC Consulting LLC

PwC Consulting LLC offers consulting services that help our clients from strategy through execution. In collaboration with the PwC global network, we work to resolve complex and challenging management issues faced by our clients, helping them bolster their competitive advantage in the global market.
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About the PwC Japan Group

The PwC Japan Group is a collective name for the member firms of the PwC global network in Japan and their affiliates. Each firm within the PwC Japan Group conducts its business as a separate, independent business entity.

In response to our clients' increasingly complex and diverse corporate management issues, the PwC Japan Group has put in place a system that consolidates our knowledge in the fields of auditing and assurance, consulting, deal advisory, tax and legal services, and encourages organic collaboration among our professionals in each field. As a professional services network with approximately 12,700 certified public accountants, tax accountants, lawyers and other professional staff, we strive to provide services that more accurately address our clients' needs.
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