Data Management and Analysis Advisory Services

At PwC Japan Group, by using knowledge and data assurance techniques obtained through the audit services, we provide advisory services for the solution of management issues from the perspective of data analysis.

Data Monitoring and Analysis Support for Financial Closing

We provide organizational construction support services for anomaly data screening and analysis at financial closing by utilizing the financial statements and general ledger data.

Illegal Trades and Business Monitoring Support

By utilizing CAAT, we provide supporting services of monitoring fraud suspected trading data and construction of occurrence preventive framework. It is suitable to utilize this service for the business which is related to foreign subsidiary or dealing with huge amount of transaction.

Revenue Assurance (Profit-earning opportunity optimization) / Performance Assurance (Enterprise Performance Check)

We provide services for supporting construction of incorrect invoicing (such as overcharging or underinvoicing) preventive framework. We optimize profit-earning opportunity by revising system I/F or billing amount confirmation process.

Our Team

Kazuya Miyamura

Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers Japan LLC



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