Litigation and crisis management

PwC Legal Japan’s lawyers provide support for litigation and crisis management based on extensive experience, including experience with cross-border projects, and provide advice on misconduct and other crisis management, including the establishment of preventive measures.

We offer advice on and representation for court procedures in a wide range of legal areas. We also provide services related to alternative dispute resolution procedures such as arbitration, civil mediation and other non-contentious matters.

In addition, we provide advice on building a compliance system for normal times as well as on crisis management, including the management of incidents of misconduct within the company.

Our services

Litigation and disputes

We offer advice on and representation for court procedures in a wide range of legal areas from general business matters to highly specialised areas including tax, commercial and labour matters and non-contentious cases. We also respond to non-court dispute resolution procedures through financial alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and other mediation and arbitration. We also support the resolution of lawsuits filed in foreign countries on international disputes through collaboration with overseas member firms of the PwC global network and other foreign law firms.

Crisis management

In addition to providing advice on building a compliance system for normal times, we also provide legal advice on how to respond to incidents of misconduct within the company. We provide support for investigations conducted by internal investigative committees or third-party committees, as well as advice on the establishment and operation of third-party committees. In the event that breaches of laws and regulations are found, we also provide legal advice on the establishment of preventive measures.

Our team

Michito Kitamura

Partner, PwC Legal Japan


Satoshi Mogi

Partner, PwC Legal Japan


Tomohiro Kandori

Partner, PwC Legal Japan


Yasuyuki Iwasaki

Partner, PwC Legal Japan


Hiroki Yamada

Partner, PwC Legal Japan


Yusuke Kobayashi

Partner, PwC Legal Japan
