Customs Duties Planning - Inbound Solutions

We, as professionals specialising in global customs and trade issues, assist in optimising the management of operational costs resulting from customs duty liability, as well as minimising the time required to analyse complex international transactions by leveraging our knowledge of applicable trade laws, regulations, rules and administrative practices. Our professionals offer your company a wide range of services and solutions including advice with respect to the following:

  • Proper determination of customs values (including ‘unbundling’ of the transfer price);
  • Achieving effective tax planning through the implementation of appropriate business models or restructuring of supply chain arrangements;
  • Achieving effective tax planning by assisting with the implementation of duty savings strategies concerning royalty and license fee arrangements;
  • Achieving effective duty planning in the company's customs duties liability by identifying and utilising applicable preferential market access arrangements and the web of bilateral Free Trade Areas (FTAs);
  • Achieving effective duty planning through the review of HS classification code and utilisation of bonded areas;
  • Assistance with and establishing strategies for Japan Customs audits;
  • Negotiation with the appropriate customs and trade authorities regarding the proper customs valuation of imported merchandise;
  • Assisting an administrative review for Anti-Dumping duty rate; and
  • Supporting an Export License application.

With its particular focus in the Asia Pacific region, PwC Customs and Trade Advisory LLC provides companies operating in the Asia Pacific region the tools to implement measures that enhance both the company's operating efficiency and competitiveness in its industry. Specifically, we advise our clients on how they can capitalise on cost savings opportunities available under the ASEAN FTA and the growing number of bilateral free trade arrangements relevant to companies operating in the region. In this respect, we can further assist in:

  • Enhancing revenue and profit growth by using ASEAN FTAs;
  • Enhancing market access opportunities by using ASEAN Industrial Cooperation Scheme (AICO); and
  • The rationalisation of global procurement and manufacturing sites.