Tender for Phase II of MRT Jakarta project: Bid price finalised

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Bisnis Indonesia - Tender Proyek MRT Jakarta Fase II : Harga Penawaran Difinalisasi

01 October 2021

By: Akhirul Anwar


Bisnis, Jakarta – PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) is evaluating a new offer for MRT project phase II from the Japanese potential contractor. The project that is expected to cost Rp22.5 trillion is set to be signed this month.

MRT Jakarta President Director, William P. Sabandar, said that the company was evaluating the new bid price submitted by the Japanese potential contractor to construct construction packages 202 (Harmoni-Mangga Besar) and 205A (Bundaran HI-Mangga Besar) of MRT project phase II.

“The offer is still being evaluated due to the revision by the offering contractor,” he said as quoted by Antara on Thursday (30/9).

PT MRT Jakarta is a regional state-owned enterprise (BUMD) of the Jakarta Provincial Government that manages the operation of Jakarta MRT’s corridor 1 from Bundaran HI to Lebak Bulus from 2019.

William stated that he could not disclose the price offered by the potential contractor as it was still in the finalisation process. He promises that he will make an announcement to the public through the media next week. “We will make an announcement when we have the result,” he stated.

The new bid price was submitted by the contractor after the Transportation Minister, Budi Karya Sumadi, conducted a work visit to Japan some time ago.

“The purpose of the visit yesterday was for diplomacy or diplomacy between governments, and the Japanese government has encouraged the offering party to recalculate the price they submitted,” he added.

According to William, if a price has been agreed with the contractor, then the contracts for construction packages CP202 and CP205A are set to be signed in October 2021.

Previously, he said that tender process for the package had failed two times as the price offered by the Japanese contractor was higher than the price set by the committee, MRT Jakarta.

Jakarta MRT phase II spans 11.8 kilometres from Bundaran HI to Ancol Barat. This phase continues the north-south corridor or phase I that has been operating from 2019 from Bundaran HI to Lebak Bulus with an investment value of Rp16 trillion.

Sudirman hub

In another development, MRT Jakarta is preparing a budget of Rp160 billion to build a hub transport facility in front of Sudirman Station in Central Jakarta, constructed by the SOE (State-owned Enterprise) PT Pembangunan Perumahan (PP).

William said that groundbreaking for the project would be carried out on Friday, 8 October 2021. The transport hub functions as a transit area for Transjakarta shelters and ride-hailing services, and the construction is predicted to take 14 to 18 months.

On top of the transportation centre, there will be offices, retail stores, and a modern market of 2,445 square metres. The hub transport will be located where Blora Market was located.

The transport hub is expected to support transportation integration in Greater Jakarta for different transportation modes in the area.

Previously, the central government and Jakarta Provincial Government inaugurated Greater Jakarta transportation integration.

One of the projects included in the integration is Dukuh Atas multipurpose pedestrian bridge that is constructed by PT Moda Integrasi Transportasi Jabodetabek (MITJ).

Later, the pedestrian bridge will connect Greater Jakarta LRT, Sudirman Station (Commuter Line), Transjakarta, MRT, and the airport train. MITJ, the joint venture of MRT Jakarta and PT Kereta Api Indonesia, is targeting the pedestrian bridge to operate by June 2022.

Jakarta Governor, Anies Baswedan, hopes that intermodal integration can encourage citizens to use public transportation rather than private vehicles.

“We hope that this integration will convince citizens that using public transportation is a rational choice,” Anies said during the inauguration event of Greater Jakarta Transportation Integration at Tebet Station in South Jakarta on Wednesday (29/9).

Anies explained that using public transportation was more affordable in terms of costs, distance, efficiency, and punctuality compared to private vehicles.


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