Overview of ‘The Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence’

  • 2024-01-23


Background and overview

In order to grasp the potential benefits of, and manage the risks posed by artificial intelligence (‘AI’), on 30 October 2023 the Biden Administration released ‘The Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence1’ (‘the EO’).  The EO extends over several sections, covering Federal Agencies and private enterprises across manifold sectors (Figure 1). The EO follows upon the comparatively soft law approach aligned with AI industry development seen in the 2019 Executive order ‘Maintaining American Leadership in Artificial Intelligence2’ and the ‘Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights3’ released in 2022. 

Figure1: Main contents of the EO

Section name Main contents
Ensuring the Safety and Security of AI Technology
  • Reporting requirements related to dual-use foundation models
  • Reporting requirements for IaaS service providers on foreign users
  • Strengthening of cyber security for critical infrastructure
  • Consideration of watermarking for AI-generated contents
Promoting Innovation and Competition
  • Securing of AI talent
  • Clarification of AI-related patent and IP laws
Supporting Workers
  • Report and guideline creation on AI  use and its effects in the labour market
Advancing Equity and Civil Rights
  • Measures to ensure equity in federal agencies and fair legal systems
Protecting Consumers, Patients, Passengers, and Students
  • Promotion of AI use in federal agencies for health, transport, education and communication
Protecting Privacy
  • Guidance to federal agencies related to privacy protection
Advancing Federal Government Use of AI
  • Establishment of AI Officers and promotion of AI use in federal agencies
Strengthening American Leadership Abroad
  • Overseas promotion of US AI standards and frameworks
  • Creation of the White House AI Council to support EO policy implementation

Our team

Bilig Eredon

Manager, PwC Consulting LLC


David Westin

Senior Associate, PricewaterhouseCoopers Japan LLC



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