
PwC Advisory LLC provides a wide range of support for setting management agendas and developing strategies, including M&A strategy planning, medium-term management planning and more.


M&A strategy planning

We consider M&A as one means through which companies can realise their strategies. With this focus on bringing strategies to life, we provide integrated support for M&A strategy planning and execution, including the planning of growth strategies, target searches, construction of investment stories and negotiation support.

Medium-term management planning

To help you formulate medium-term management plans suited for today’s increasingly unpredictable business environment, we provide planning services based on switching your perspective and expanding your vision.

Planning and dissemination of a corporate purpose

We provide support for the formulation of a corporate purpose that articulates the meaning of your company’s existence in today’s rapidly changing business environment, by considering the demands of the environment and society, your intentions as a company and the factors that set you apart from your competition.

ESG and sustainability management strategy

It has become essential for companies to keep up with the global trend of incorporating ESG and sustainability into their management. We can help you develop effective ESG and sustainability strategies focusing on aspects from business transformation to information disclosure.

IP strategy and transformation

We support the development of unique strategies that link business and IP (intellectual property) strategies by using the industry knowledge we have accumulated through our global network, in addition to information obtained by utilising our proprietary tool, Intelligent Business Analytics.

Manufacturing reform

We provide support for fundamental value enhancement in the manufacturing business from both supply chain and engineering chain perspectives, covering issues ranging from operational reforms for individual companies to structural reforms made through business alliances among multiple companies in anticipation of industry restructuring.

Our Team

Naohiro Oya

Partner, PwC Advisory LLC


Teruhiko Azuma

Partner, PwC Advisory LLC


Shinichiro Matsuoka

Partner, PwC Advisory LLC


Shinsuke Suzuki

Partner, PwC Advisory LLC



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