
PwC Advisory LLC helps you to promote fundamental structural reforms and respond to crisis situations through support for business recovery, reorganisation and more.


Business recovery

By building client relationships and providing effective solutions in a sustainable format, we support business recovery and the execution of management reforms to help you resolve your management issues.

Global operating model reform

M&A, as a change in the very premises of your company’s management, is also an opportunity to clean up old practices and transform your company itself. To realise value creation through deals, we provide support for the reform of your global operating model, which incorporates your organisations, people, operations and systems.


We provide one-stop support for business reorganisation through the complex carve-outs associated with business portfolio transformation, including accounting, tax, strategy, human resources and operational aspects.

Joint ventures and alliances

Joint ventures and alliances are a means of enhancing business value based on collaboration and co-creation with partner companies from both capital and operational aspects. We provide comprehensive support from strategic planning to contract negotiations, business integration and operations.

ESG strategy execution

We provide a wide range of support for the execution of corporate ESG strategies, including business portfolio transformation, net-zero implementation and human rights due diligence.

Crisis management

Companies and organisations are increasingly faced with sudden critical situations due to accounting fraud, quality issues and other factors. In such cases, it is important for management to control and minimise the damage. We provide support for crisis management based on our extensive experience.

Response to fraud and scandals

We provide a wide range of services including fraud investigations, bribery and unfair competition investigations and remediation, risk management, digital forensics, help with eDiscovery support and royalty audits.

Our Team

Ryoji Saito

Partner, PwC Advisory LLC


Teruhiko Azuma

Partner, PwC Advisory LLC


Akira Kagawa

Partner, PwC Advisory LLC


Takahiro Suzuki

Partner, PwC Advisory LLC


Yuichiro Nishikawa

Partner, PwC Advisory LLC


Yoshio Sakoda

Partner, PwC Advisory LLC



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