Globalisation, technological innovation and the rise of emerging economies have placed corporations in an increasingly complex business environment. This means that companies need to respond to increasingly rapid changes in corporate governance trends. For companies with a strong legacy culture, breaking with the status quo and responding to these changes can be a challenge. Negligence leading to non-compliance in the field or at the management level, declining business performance due to a failure to keep up with trends, and accidents or natural disasters can all lead to a sudden drop in business performance. This can lead to a crisis for the company.
A company’s or organization’s handling of fraud and crises can mean the difference between failure and survival. What’s more, as companies expand their areas of business, cross-border and cross-industry alliances and competition can lead to increasingly complex interests.
The mission of our forensic services practice is to contribute to the growth of our clients. To do so, we provide advice to help you prevent damage to your corporate value, clarify facts when problems arise, and resolve fundamental problems through investigation and remediation.
Masato Yamagami
Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers Japan LLC
Partner, PwC Risk Advisory LLC
Partner, PwC Risk Advisory LLC