Technology-related legal support

PwC Legal Japan supports companies seeking to provide new value to the world, by providing legal advice in areas of increasing importance, such as blockchain, Web 3.0, the metaverse and DAO (decentralized autonomous organisations).

In recent years, the use of blockchain technology has been expanding. For example, it is being put to practical use not only in the field of payment and settlement, including crypto-assets and stable coins, but also in the fields of financial products using security tokens, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) related to digital art, images and videos, and video game contents. We expect the important of blockchain technology to increase further in the future due to the rise of Web 3.0 and the metaverse. Since these are new fields and cross-border businesses, it is essential to analyse the situation from various perspectives when looking to expand your business into these fields. Through collaboration with PwC Consulting LLC's Blockchain Laboratory, other member firms of the PwC Japan Group and the PwC global network, PwC Legal Japan provides services based not only on legal aspects, but also from perspectives such as technology, tax, and accounting.

Our services

Analysis of and compliance with financial regulations

PwC Legal Japan’s attorneys are familiar with financial laws and regulations, such as the Banking Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the Payment Services Act, and include attorneys with extensive experience working for financial institutions. Based on such knowledge and experience, we provide practical advice and support for obtaining regulatory approval or licenses with regard to various types of digital tokens using blockchain technology and payment instruments such as digital currency used in the metaverse.

Business structuring and preparation of terms of service

We provide intensive support for business structuring and for preparation of terms of service based on analysis of rights and obligations related to the holding and transfer of digital tokens; intellectual property law regarding NFTs and the metaverse; and financial laws and regulations.

Explore our services

Advice on crypto-asset-related regulations

We provided advice on crypto-asset-related regulations to a company which was considering developing crypto-asset businesses in Japan.

Advice to a client engaging in NFT-related business

To enable for a client to organise their business to comply with regulations, we provided advice on financial regulations.

Assistance with the creation of a government guidebook

At the request of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and under the oversight of the Financial Services Agency, PricewaterhouseCoopers Aarata LLC and PwC Legal Japan compiled an English-language guidebook which introduces the attractiveness of Tokyo as a financial market and support measures for asset management companies and fintech companies, as well as providing easy-to-understand explanations of Japanese financial laws and regulations and business registration procedures. For more information, please see

Our team

Tomohiro Kandori

Tomohiro Kandori
Partner, PwC Legal Japan

Hiroki Yamada

Hiroki Yamada
Director, PwC Legal Japan

Makoto Hibi

Makoto Hibi
Director, PwC Legal Japan