PwC Legal Japan - Our people - Kaishi Kurotaki

Kaishi Kurotaki

Bar Admission: Japan, Dai-Ichi Tokyo Bar Association (2019)
Languages: Japanese, English
Areas of practice: Information-related legal support, Intellectual property rights, Technology, General corporate, M&A

Kaishi Kurotaki joined PwC Legal Japan in May 2024. He has handled general corporate matters, M&A transactions, litigation, disputes and corporate crisis management.
He mainly practises pharmaceutical and healthcare law, and is a member of JSCTR, the Japan Society of Clinical Trials and Research. Kaishi's experience extends to the protection of personal information, intellectual property rights and information technology.
Before joining PwC Legal Japan, he worked for a leading Japanese law firm and one of the oldest law firms in Osaka for four years in total.


2018 University of Tokyo (B.A.)

Professional experience

2019-2021 Nagashima, Ohno & Tsunematsu
2021-2024 Irokawa Legal Professional Corporation
2024-  PwC Legal Japan