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As companies throughout the world face increased pressure to engage in efforts related to the SDGs and ESG (environment, social and governance), PwC Legal Japan provides professional support to help you achieve management that leads to sustainable growth and development while also solving important corporate and social issues related to ESG. We work closely with the PwC Japan Group and the PwC global network with around 3,600 lawyers in approximately 90 countries to provide strategic advice, especially from a legal perspective, and provide legal support for implementation.
We identified important human rights issues based on human rights risk mapping that we provided for our client's operation, and assisted our client with the formulation of human rights policies. We provided our client with the research framework and roadmap for human rights due diligence, provided advice on establishing a system for respect for human rights, and supported the implementation of human rights due diligence.
We investigated the contents and trends of various ESG-related laws and regulations and soft law that pertained to our client, both on a global level and for individual countries, and supported the development of a business model to help the client realise a circular economy.
We provided legal support for research on regulations and for structuring and reviewing contracts in connection with an ESG/sustainability-related investment fund.
Partner, PwC Legal Japan
Partner, PwC Legal Japan
Partner, PwC Legal Japan